welcome to the magi stop website!!
here you can read the magi stop comic and learn about the webmaster ponymoe ☆ ★☆★☆★
best viewed in google chrome / on a computer !!
this site is still in early stages of development!! some pages are not finished :3

☆enter the magical girl world with tammy and mina and watch them as they adapt to their new digital lives inside the magi stop arcade game !

ponymoe here!!!! Thank you for viewing my website!! the site is still in early stages and i will be updating it frequently with more fun things to look at and interact with!! :D☆

magi stop is a comic about my magical girl characters !! my magical girls mean so much to me so im so excited to share them with everyone ☆
i also use this website as a place to present my thoughts and personality through decorative, cute webpages!!! a lot of the graphics on this website are from other sites, you can find links to graphics pages i use on the links page!! some of the art however is my own, so i'd much rather people found their own graphics instead of the ones on my site just in case someone accidentally uses my art with no credit! :3


HAIIIII i am currently working on a discord server for u all heheheheh im excited to get it running it will be fun to talk to everyone !!!!!! updates on chapter 3 may be a bit limited atm cuz i have a lot of college work to do but im trying my hardest to use my extra time for working on my comic! ive been playing around with fl studio today and i have made something i really like!! its made me so happy cuz i have never made a piece of music i have actually liked lol,, its snowing where i live rn!! im so happy i love snow so much! tomorrow im going on a snowy walk with mai and my dog eva and i cant wait it will be so fun!! hope you are all having a great week!!! :3

11/5/22 ~ created chapters page!
12/18/22 ~ website has been made public!!
12/19/22 ~ edited the homepage, added an info box + new background

Hello! here you can ask me any question about my comic or myself !!! ask away ☆ ★


Hello! here you can ask me any question about my comic or myself !!! answers are on the comment answers page!!!! ask away ☆ ★


you can contact me here on instagram!!
i have commissions info and my youtube linked in my linktree!!
please do not copy any of my code, i worked hard on this site!